Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist

The CERTIFIED TOBACCO TREATMENT SPECIALIST is not an independent clinical practice credential and should only be used for work within health care or counseling settings. Private practice counselors must have a license approved by the Division of Consumer Affairs to provide independent counseling.


Must complete UMDNJ’s Tobacco Dependency Program of 42 hours and submit the original certificate for review.


  • Masters or above in Human Services field with one year of full time counseling or health care experience. (1 year = 2000 hours) or 
  • Bachelors in Human Services with two years of full time counseling or health care experience or
  • CADC/LCADC/ nursing or other recognized health related qualification, with four years of full time counseling or health care experience.(2 years = 4000 hours, 4 years = 8000 hours).

Qualified applicants should Apply online at Certemy for CTTS.